The Online Auction is LIVE!
Support an organization that supports and presents
performing circus & variety artists:
That’s you.
Bid on amazing items and experiences, including:
Professional development workshops, including a Circus World visit;
Circus equipment donated by retail vendors;
Books, including a 10-book set signed by Goosebumps author R.L. Stine
Original artwork, and more!
Join us
Saturday, October 17th 2020
5:00 pm
A Virtual Tea Party
Featuring Live Performances and a Silent Auction
to benefit
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
Tickets: $50 / $35 Artist/Student
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus’ mission is to bring joy and wonder into the world. Whether virtual or in face-to-face interactions, we cultivate, develop, and sustain the circus and variety arts. We invite the community to this tea party gala to celebrate the performing arts. While sharing tea time with each other, we will be generating support for the arts.
The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus holds its principal fundraising event this year in a novel way- as a virtual tea party hosted by entertainment powerhouse Jonathan Lee Iverson, the first Black Ringmaster of the iconic Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth.
Live performances include music by renowned circus composer Peter Bufano (Circus Smirkus, Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Midnight Circus, Big Apple Circus) and emerging wire-walker Logan Kerr. A silent auction, launching October 1, 2020, will feature select items including framed artwork by painter Mary Brenneman; autographed copies of books by authors Hovey Burgess and Hudson Talbott; unique precious jewelry by Shana Lee, and more.
The funds raised will support basic operations of Bindlestiff’s three main areas of programming:
Youth and Community Programs including Cirkus After School, Coarc Cirkus, the Cavalcade of Youth, and the New York City Unicycle Festival
Platforms for emerging artists like Bindlestiff’s Open Stage Variety Show and The First of May Award
Live, original circus productions including our annual NYC Cabaret season, the Cabin Fever Cabaret, and touring work.
Sponsors (as of 10/16)
We realize this has been a challenging year for many, and we are very grateful to the following individuals and business who are able to support this event at a sponsor level.
High Tea Presenting Sponsors
Afternoon Tea Benefactors
Nina Matis & Alan Gosule
Elevenses Patrons
Danielle Ely & Anthony Carrano
Colin & Katrina Stair
Japheth Wood, Mariel Fiori, Daphne Wood-Fiori & Lihuel Wood-Fiori
Operation Unite
Deena Lebow
Brendan & Conrad Hanson-Kelly
Andre Gouvea
Tea Cozy VIP
Peter Frank
Stephen King
Toni-Lee Sangastiano
Christina Volz
Paul Binder
Courtney Williams
Michael Bongar
Mary Landries
Sara Valentine
Ruth DiCasoli
Andrea Damian Richter
Laura Siegel
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits (order by October 1 to receive Gift Boxes)
Tea Cozy VIP Ticket – $100 (individual)
Gift box including tea, a teapot and cup
Recognition on evite, website and all online gala-related material
Elevenses Patrons – $250 (individual/couple or family)
2 teapot gift boxes
Recognition on evite, website and all online gala-related material
Afternoon Tea Benefactors – $500 (individual/couple or family)
Up to 4 teapot gift boxes (upon request)
Recognition on evite, website and all online gala-related material
A shout-out for yourself or an individual of your choice during an upcoming Quarantine Open Stage Show
High Tea Presenting Sponsors – $1000 (individual/couple or family)
Up to 4 teapot gift boxes (upon request)
Recognition on evite, website and all online gala-related material
A shout-out for yourself or an individual of your choice during an upcoming Quarantine Open Stage Show
Inclusion as a sponsor of your choice of one of Bindlestiff’s 2021 events/programs/productions. Please indicate your preference: Cavalcade of Youth, Cirkus After School, First of May Award, NYC Unicycle Festival, Bindlestiff’s Open Stage Variety Show, or Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Cabaret